Welcome to MedicareAnswers360.com, a non-government
website owned by HealthShare360, a health insurance agency

We’ll help you compare plans from these local carriers

(all carriers are accepted by )

How do all the options compare?

Original Medicare (Parts A & B)
Medicare Supplement
Medicare Advantage
Hospital visits
Deductible per stay plus copays for long stays covered
Per-day copays for a set number of days, after at 100%
Doctor visits
80% after met deductible
Covered by most plan options
Low or no copays for doctor & specialist visits
Prescription drug coverage
Most prescriptions not covered
Need to buy a separate plan
In most plans

View more

Original Medicare (Parts A & B)

Hospital visits

Deductible per stay plus copays for long stays covered

Doctor visits

80% after met deductible

Prescription drug coverage

Most prescriptions not covered

Dental, vision, & hearing coverage

Not covered

Extra benefits (gym memberships, transportation, meals or reimbursement for over-the-counter expenses, such as vitamins)


Annual out-of-pocket limit



You can use any doctor that accepts Medicare and do not need referrals

Part B premium

Monthly premium

Are there $0 additional premium options?


Medicare Supplement

Hospital visits


Doctor visits

Covered by most plan options

Prescription drug coverage

Need to buy a separate plan

Dental, vision, & hearing coverage

Not covered

Extra benefits (gym memberships, transportation, meals or reimbursement for over-the-counter expenses, such as vitamins)

Not covered

Annual out-of-pocket limit

Offered in a few plans


You can use any doctor that accepts Medicare and do not need referrals

Part B premium

Monthly premium

Are there $0 additional premium options?


Medicare Advantage

Hospital visits

Per-day copays for a set number of days, after at 100%

Doctor visits

Low or no copays for doctor & specialist visits

Prescription drug coverage

In most plans

Dental, vision, & hearing coverage

In many plans

Extra benefits (gym memberships, transportation, meals or reimbursement for over-the-counter expenses, such as vitamins)

In many plans

Annual out-of-pocket limit



You may be required to use doctors and hospitals in the plan network and may need referrals to see specialists. Many plans have large networks of doctors and hospitals to choose from.

Part B premium

Some plans provide a rebate for part of the premium

Are there $0 additional premium options?

Yes $0 additional premium options in many markets

Medicare Market Review Videos


Open Link

What is Medicare A - D?

Open Link

What are your Medicare coverage options?

Open Link

Which Medicare option is right for me?

Open Link


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Next steps

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Want to learn more?

Our resource library has tons of information to help you learn more about Medicare enrollment, benefits, and more!


Or talk with a local agent:

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Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30am EST
